

def isSome: Option a => Boolean

isSome: Report if an Option has a value. If you find yourself using the function, consider using a match instead.

isSome (Some 451) = True isSome (Some “x”) = True isSome None = False

Parameters: Option a

Return Type: Boolean

def isNone: Option a => Boolean

isNone: Report if an Option has no value. If you find yourself using the function, consider using a match instead.

isNone (Some 451) = False isNone (Some “x”) = False isNone None = True

Parameters: Option a

Return Type: Boolean

def getOrElse (default: a): Option a => a

getOrElse: extract the value from an Option, with a supplied default if None. The default value expression is evaluated whether or not the Option is None.

int “not-an-integer” # Option Integer | getOrElse 5 # Integer — 5

Parameters: default: a,  Option a

Return Type: a

def getOrElseFn (fn: Unit => a): Option a => a

getOrElse: extract the value from an Option, with a supplied default function if None. The default value function is evaluated only when the Option is None.

int “567” | getOrElseFn (Unit firstFactorOf 8947289472892423423423423235325) — 567

Parameters: fn: Unit,  a,  Option a

Return Type: a

def orElse (alternate: Option a): Option a => Option a

orElse: combine two Options, using the first value found, if any.

int “not-an-integer” | orElse (int “343”) | orElse (int “asd”) — Some 343

Parameters: alternate: Option a,  Option a

Return Type: Option a

def omap (f: a => b): Option a => Option b

omap: apply function f to the optional contents If you find yourself using the function with getOrElse, consider using a match instead.

omap (_+1) (Some 4) = Some 5 omap (_+1) None = None

Parameters: f: a,  b,  Option a

Return Type: Option b

def omapPartial (f: a => Option b): Option a => Option b

omapPartial: apply partial function ‘f’ to the optional contents A partial function returns Option; only Some cases result in a value.

def divideEven x = if x&1 == 1 then None else Some (x / 2)

omapPartial divideEven None = None omapPartial divideEven (Some 8) = Some 4 omapPartial divideEven (Some 7) = None

Parameters: f: a,  Option b,  Option a

Return Type: Option b

def omapFailable (fn: a => Result b fail): Option a => Result (Option b) fail

omapFailable: A variant of omap that calls a function on a non-empty option that returns a Result type. The Result-type-ness is then hoist outside the resulting option, making it easier to write require Pass statements on code that maps over Option types.

Parameters: fn: a,  Result b c,  Option a

Return Type: Result (Option b) c

def ofilter (f: a => Boolean): Option a => Option a

ofilter: remove the contents of an option when f returns False.

def isEven x = x&x == 0 ofilter isEven None = None ofilter isEven (Some 7) = None ofilter isEven (Some 8) = Some 8

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  Option a

Return Type: Option a

def findSomeFn (fn: a

findSomeFn: return the first Some output by ‘fn’ on a List or else None Once a Some is found, fn is not evaluated on further elements. This means that fn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map fn | findSome’ instead.

findSomeFn int (“abc”, “456”, “zz”, “123”, Nil) = Some 456 findSomeFn int (“abc”, “_56”, “zz”, “_23”, Nil) = None

Parameters: fn: a,  Option b,  List a

Return Type: Option b

def findNoneFn (fn: a

findNoneFn: if fn returns Some for all List elements, return the outputs else None Once a None is found, fn is not evaluated on further elements. This means that fn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map fn | findNone’ instead.

findNoneFn int (“456”, “123”, Nil) = Some (456, 123, Nil) findNoneFn int (“_56”, “123”, Nil) = None

Parameters: fn: a,  Option b,  List a

Return Type: Option (List b)

def getOrFail (failVal: fail): Option pass

getOrFail: Convert Some to Pass and None to a Fail with the supplied value. The fail expression is evaluated even when the Option is None.

int “not-an-integer” | getOrFail “some error” — Fail “some error”

int “81234” | getOrFail “some error” — Pass 81234

Parameters: failVal: a,  Option b

Return Type: Result b a

def getOrFailFn (failFn: Unit => fail): Option pass => Result pass fail

getOrFailFn: Convert Some to Pass and None to a Fail with the function output. The fail function is evaluated only when the Option is None.

int “not-an-integer” | getOrFailFn (Unit “some error”) — Fail “some error”

int “81234” | getOrFailFn (Unit “some error”) — Pass 81234

Parameters: failFn: Unit,  a,  Option b

Return Type: Result b a

def getOrPass (passVal: pass): Option fail

getOrPass: Convert Some to Fail and None to a Pass with the supplied value. The fail expression is evaluated even when the Option is None.

int “not-an-integer” | getOrPass “some error” — Pass “some error”

int “81234” | getOrPass “some error” — Fail 81234

Parameters: passVal: a,  Option b

Return Type: Result a b

def getOrPassFn (passFn: Unit => pass): Option fail => Result pass fail

getOrPassFn: Convert Some to Fail and None to a Pass with the function output. The pass function is evaluated only when the Option is None.

int “not-an-integer” | getOrFailFn (Unit “some error”) — Pass “some error”

int “81234” | getOrFailFn (Unit “some error”) — Fail 81234

Parameters: passFn: Unit,  a,  Option b

Return Type: Result a b

def optionToListFn (fn: a => List b) (option: Option a): List b

optionToListFn: Converts an Option to a list consisting of either the inner value of Some with the given fn applied to it or the empty list in the case of None.

Examples: ` optionToListFn (_ * 2, Nil) (Some 2) = 4, Nil optionToListFn (_ * 2 | str, Nil) (Some 2) = "4", Nil optionToListFn (_, Nil) None = Nil `

Parameters: fn: a,  List b,  option: Option a

Return Type: List b

def optionEqual (equalityFn: a

optionEqual: Using the given equality testing function, determines whether two option values are equal or not. The equality testing function is only used when both values are a Some and allows for the two underlying types to be different.

Examples: ` optionEqual (_==_) (Some 1) (Some 1) = True optionEqual (_==_) (Some 1) (Some 2) = False optionEqual (str _ ==* _) (Some 0) (Some "0") = True optionEqual (_==_) None None = True optionEqual (_==*_) (Some "test") None = False `

Parameters: equalityFn: a,  b,  Boolean,  option1: Option a,  option2: Option b

Return Type: Boolean


def strlen (string: String): Integer

strlen: report the number of bytes a String consumes in UTF-8 representation. >>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS NOT THE NUMBER OF CHARACTERS IN A STRING <<<<<<<<<<<<<< This information can be relevant when reading / writing Strings to disk. To manipulate Strings, such as extract-ing a substring, use regular expressions.

Parameters: string: String

Return Type: Integer

def cat (strings: List String): String

cat: concatenate a List of Strings into a String. If you have a finite list of terms, consider using String interpolation.

cat (“hello”, ” “, “world”, Nil) = “hello world” cat (x, “:”, y, “:”, z, Nil) = “{x}:{y}:{z}”

Parameters: strings: List String

Return Type: String

def catWith (separator: String) (strings: List String): String

catWith: concatenate a List of Strings with a separator.

seq 10 | map str | catWith “:” — “0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9”

Parameters: separator: String,  strings: List String

Return Type: String

def explode (string: String): List String

explode: split a String up into Unicode code points This is rarely useful; consider using a RegExp instead.

explode “hello” = “h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, “o”, Nil explode “süß” = “s”, “ü”, “ß”, Nil

Parameters: string: String

Return Type: List String

def strbase (base: Integer): Option (Integer

strbase: convert an Integer into a String using a given base.

For 2 <= base <= 36, the characters used for the encoding are: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = base 16 ^^^^^^^^^^ = base 10 For 37 <= base <= 62, the characters used for the encoding are: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz For -36 <=x <= -2, the characters used for the encoding are: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ For any other (invalid) base, the String “” is returned.

strbase 10 500 = “500” strbase 16 65535 = “ffff” strbase (-15) 65535 = “FFFF”

Parameters: base: Integer,  Option integerToFormat: Integer

Return Type: String)

def intbase (base: Integer) (stringToParse: String): Option Integer

intbase: convert a String into an Option Integer using a given base.

For base == 0, the string is checked for these prefixes: “0b” or “0B” – base= 2 processing for everything after the prefix “0x” or “0X” – base=16 processing for everything after the prefix “0” – base= 8 processing for everything after the prefix otherwise, process the String as base=10 For 2 <= base <= 36, upper- and lower-case characters are treated identically. For 37 <= base <= 62, upper-case letters represent 10..35 while lower-case letters represent 36..61.

For any other base (or an illegal input String), None is returned.

Parameters: base: Integer,  stringToParse: String

Return Type: Option Integer

def filterTerminalCodes (str: String): String

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: String

def int (stringToParse: String): Option Integer

int: convert a String into an Integer with the usual prefixes.

The base used for the conversion depends on the prefix: “0b” or “0B” – base= 2 processing for everything after the prefix “0x” or “0X” – base=16 processing for everything after the prefix “0” – base= 8 processing for everything after the prefix otherwise, process the String as base=10

int “0x10” = Some 16 int “10” = Some 10 int “0b10” = Some 2 int “0y10” = None

Parameters: stringToParse: String

Return Type: Option Integer

def integerToUnicode (codepoint: Integer): String

integerToUnicode: convert an Integer into a Unicode codepoint. For Integers <= 127, this is the ASCII character set. For Integers < 0, returns “”.

integerToUnicode (-2) = “” integerToUnicode 48 = “0” integerToUnicode 65 = “A” integerToUnicode 97 = “a” integerToUnicode 231 = “ç” integerToUnicode 0x1f600 = “😀” integerToUnicode 0 = “x00”

Parameters: codepoint: Integer

Return Type: String

def unicodeToInteger (firstCharacterToConvert: String): Integer

unicodeToInteger: convert the first codepoint in a String to an Integer.

unicodeToInteger “A” = 65 unicodeToInteger “a” = 97 unicodeToInteger “0123” = 48 unicodeToInteger “😀!” = 128512 unicodeToInteger “” = 0 unicodeToInteger “0a” = 0

Parameters: firstCharacterToConvert: String

Return Type: Integer

def integerToByte (byte: Integer): String

integerToByte: convert an Integer into a String using raw binary. WARNING: For 128 <= byte <= 255, this function creates invalid UTF-8 / Unicode. Instead of calling this function, you probably meant to call integerToUnicode. For byte < 0 or byte > 255, returns “”.

integerToByte 0 = “x00” integerToByte 65 = “A” integerToByte 97 = “A” integerToByte 256 = “” integerToByte 231 = (an illegal UTF-8 String which includes a byte with value 0xe7)

It is possible to create legal UTF-8 from illegal String fragments; eg: “{integerToByte 0xc3}{integerToByte 0xa7}” = “ç”

Parameters: byte: Integer

Return Type: String

def byteToInteger (firstByteToConvert: String): Integer

byteToInteger: convert the first byte of a UTF-8-encoded String into an Integer. Instead of calling this function, you probably meant to call unicodeToInteger.

byteToInteger “” = 0 byteToInteger “x00” = 0 byteToInteger “A” = 65 byteToInteger (integerToByte 231) = 231

Parameters: firstByteToConvert: String

Return Type: Integer

def unicodeCanonical (str: String): String

unicodeCanonical: eliminate combining characters; C+◌̧ => Ç

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: String

def unicodeIdentifier (str: String): String

unicodeIdentifier: eliminate rendering distinctions; ¼i⁹ => 1/4i9

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: String

def unicodeLowercase (str: String): String

unicodeLowercase: converts upper case codepoints to their lower case counterparts

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: String

def unicodeUppercase (str: String): String

unicodeUppercase: converts lower case codepoints to their upper case counterparts

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: String

def sortStrings (list: List String): List String

sortStrings: sort a list of strings as a human would judge them.

Parameters: list: List String

Return Type: List String

def scmpCanonical (x: String) (y: String): Order

Unicode NFC string comparison Ç == C+◌̧

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def scmpIdentifier (x: String) (y: String): Order

Unicode NFKC string comparison (¼i⁹ = 1/4i9)

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def scmpLowercase (x: String) (y: String): Order

Unicode case insensitive NFKC comparison

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def scmp (x: String) (y: String): Order

Raw binary string comparison; no normalization performed

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def (x: String) <=>~ (y: String): Order

NFKC order (fancy format removed) – secure default This is the string order you should use to compare human inputs

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def (x: String) <~ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is less than y, as a human would judge it.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) >~ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is greater than y, as a human would judge it.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) >=~ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is greater than or equal to y, as a human would judge it.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) <=~ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is less than or equal to y, as a human would judge it.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String)

Returns True if x is equal to y, as a human would judge it.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) !=~ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is not equal to y, as a human would judge it.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) <=>^ (y: String): Order

Case insensitive order (^ = capitals ignored)

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def (x: String) <^ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is less than y, ignoring case.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) >^ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is greater than y, ignoring case.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) >=^ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is greater than or equal to y, ignoring case.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) <=^ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is less than or equal to y, ignoring case.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String)

Returns True if x is equal to y, ignoring case.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) !=^ (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is not equal to y, ignoring case.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) <=>* (y: String): Order

Raw binary string order Only use this for non-textual data

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Order

def (x: String) <* (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is less than y, in UTF-8 representation.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) >* (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is greater than y, in UTF-8 representation.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) >=* (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is greater than or equal to y, in UTF-8 representation.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) <=* (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is less than or equal to y, in UTF-8 representation.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String)

Returns True if x is equal to y, in UTF-8 representation.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: String) !=* (y: String): Boolean

Returns True if x is not equal to y, in UTF-8 representation.

Parameters: x: String,  y: String

Return Type: Boolean

def hashString (x: String): String

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: x: String

Return Type: String


def !(x: Boolean): Boolean

Unary operator for Boolean NOT.

` !True  = False !False = True `

Parameters: x: Boolean

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Boolean) && (y: Boolean): Boolean

Binary operator for Boolean AND; x && y. Both x and y must be True to return True.

## BEWARE: unlike other languages, in wake, expression ‘y’ is evaluated even if ‘x’ is False ##

` True  && True  = True False && True  = False True  && False = False False && False = False `

Parameters: x: Boolean,  y: Boolean

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Boolean) || (y: Boolean): Boolean

Binary operator for Boolean OR; x || y. Either x or y must be True to return True.

## BEWARE: unlike other languages, in wake, expression ‘y’ is evaluated even if ‘x’ is True ##

` True  || True  = True False || True  = True True  || False = True False || False = False `

Parameters: x: Boolean,  y: Boolean

Return Type: Boolean

def eor (x: Boolean) (y: Boolean): Boolean

Binary operator for Boolean XOR/EOR; eor x y. When x and y differ, returns True.

` eor True  True  = False eor False True  = True eor True  False = True eor False False = False `

Parameters: x: Boolean,  y: Boolean

Return Type: Boolean

def enor (x: Boolean) (y: Boolean): Boolean

Binary operator for Boolean XNOR/ENOR; enor x y. When x and y are equal, returns True.

` enor True  True  = True enor False True  = False enor True  False = False enor False False = True `

Parameters: x: Boolean,  y: Boolean

Return Type: Boolean

def booleanToInteger (b: Boolean): Integer

booleanToInteger: Converts a Boolean to the C equivalent integer

` booleanToInteger True = 1 booleanToInteger False = 0 `

Parameters: b: Boolean

Return Type: Integer


def getJString: JValue => Option String

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: JValue

Return Type: Option String

def getJInteger: JValue => Option Integer

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: JValue

Return Type: Option Integer

def getJDouble: JValue => Option Double

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: JValue

Return Type: Option Double

def getJBoolean: JValue => Option Boolean

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: JValue

Return Type: Option Boolean

def getJObject: JValue => Option (List (Pair String JValue))

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: JValue

Return Type: Option (List (Pair String JValue))

def getJArray: JValue => Option (List JValue)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: JValue

Return Type: Option (List JValue)

def parseJSONBody (body: String): Result JValue Error

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: body: String

Return Type: Result JValue Error

def parseJSONFile (path: Path): Result JValue Error

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: path: Path

Return Type: Result JValue Error

def jsonEscape str

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: String

def customFormatJSON fmt body

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: fmt: JSONFormat,  body: JValue

Return Type: String

def root /| filterFn

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: root: JValue,  filterFn: JValue,  Boolean

Return Type: JValue

def jfilter filterFn root

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: filterFn: JValue,  Boolean,  root: JValue

Return Type: JValue

def root /../ filterFn

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: root: JValue,  filterFn: JValue,  Boolean

Return Type: JValue

def jfind filterFn root

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: filterFn: JValue,  Boolean,  root: JValue

Return Type: JValue

def jempty root

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: root: JValue

Return Type: Boolean

def jlist root

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: root: JValue

Return Type: List JValue

def x // y

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: x: JValue,  y: RegExp

Return Type: JValue

def x ==/ y

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: x: JValue,  y: JValue

Return Type: Boolean

def normalizeJSONWith (fmt: JSONNormalize) (json: JValue): Result JValue Error

Simplify a JSON structure according to the rules given. For example, Wake’s implementation of JSON is more lenient than the base standards, so if maximum compatibility is desired in situations where some other implementation may be parsing generated output, normalizeJSONCompat may be used to target that lowest common denominator (see normalizeJSON for that particular case).

Note that the relevant normalization is applied to each member of a JArray or JObject before the enclosing container. This means that if some normalization fails anywhere in the JSON tree the entire call will fail, even if the specific branch causing the failure would later have been pruned.

Parameters: fmt: JSONNormalize,  json: JValue

Return Type: Result JValue Error

def mergeJSON (jsons: List JValue): Result JValue Error

Attempt to merge several JSON structures, while resolving any duplicate keys. In particular, this function will concatenate the members of two JArray values, treat JNull as a wildcard placeholder, and otherwise return the original value if both instances are equal. It fails if the same location in the object tree is associated with multiple values of different types or with different values of a type which cannot be combined. Returns a JNull value if passed an empty list.

Parameters: jsons: List JValue

Return Type: Result JValue Error

def overrideJSON (jsons: List JValue): JValue

Use the value of the key appearing last in the list, but recurse into JObject`s. Essentially, allows overwriting any key in the object tree by specifying a new value at the same place in a later tree. Returns `JNull if given an empty list.

If some location has both JObject values and values of other types, any JObject values before the last non-JObject value will be dropped:

` ("\{\"key\":\{\"firstSubkey\":1\}\}", "\{\"key\":\{\"secondSubkey\":2\}\}", Nil) | findFailFn parseJSONBody | rmapPass lastValueInList | rmap formatJSON Pass "\{\"key\":\{\"firstSubkey\":1,\"secondSubkey\":2\}\}" `

` ("\{\"firstKey\":1\}", "2", "\{\"secondKey\":3\}", Nil) | findFailFn parseJSONBody | rmapPass lastValueInList | rmap formatJSON Pass "\{\"secondKey\":3\}" `

Parameters: jsons: List JValue

Return Type: JValue

tuple JSONNormalize

The rules by which normalizeJSONWith will simplify JSON values. If any particular function is unable to operate on every input value (e.g. a JObject contains duplicate keys of types which cannot be combined), that rule may return a Fail which halts the broader processing.

Parameters: String: String,  Result String Error,  Integer: Integer,  Result Integer Error,  Double: Double,  Result Double Error,  Boolean: Boolean,  Result Boolean Error,  Object: List Pair String JValue,  Result List Pair String JValue Error,  Array: List JValue,  Result List JValue Error

Return Type: JSONNormalize

def lastValueInList (values: List JValue): Result JValue Error

Use the value of the key appearing last in the list, but recurse into JObject`s. Essentially, allows overwriting any key in the object tree by specifying a new value at the same place in a later tree. Will always always succeed, returning `Pass JNull if given an empty list.

See overrideJSON for examples of usage.

Parameters: values: List JValue

Return Type: Result JValue Error


def isLT: Order => Boolean

Is less-than: convert Order to Boolean def a < b = a <=> b | isLT isLT LT = True isLT EQ = False isLT GT = False

Parameters: Order

Return Type: Boolean

def isEQ: Order => Boolean

Is equal: convert Order Boolean def a == b = a <=> b | isEQ isEQ LT = False isEQ EQ = True isEQ GT = False

Parameters: Order

Return Type: Boolean

def isGT: Order => Boolean

Is greater-than: convert Order to Boolean def a > b = a <=> b | isGT isGT LT = False isGT EQ = False isGT GT = True

Parameters: Order

Return Type: Boolean

def isLE: Order => Boolean

Is less-than-or-equal: convert Order to Boolean def a <= b = a <=> b | isLE isLE LT = True isLE EQ = True isLE GT = False

Parameters: Order

Return Type: Boolean

def isNE: Order => Boolean

Is not-equal: convert Order to Boolean def a != b = a <=> b | isNE isEQ LT = True isEQ EQ = False isEQ GT = True

Parameters: Order

Return Type: Boolean

def isGE: Order => Boolean

Is greater-than-or-equal: convert Order to Boolean def a >= b = a <=> b | isGE isGE LT = False isGE EQ = True isGE GT = True

Parameters: Order

Return Type: Boolean


tuple Pair a b

Creates a Pair, a tuple containing two elements.

Parameters: First: a,  Second: b

Return Type: Pair a b

tuple Triple a b c

Creates a Triple, a tuple containing three elements.

Parameters: First: a,  Second: b,  Third: c

Return Type: Triple a b c

def _0 (x; _)

Handy accessor methods

Parameters: a ; b

Return Type: a

def _1 (_; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c

Return Type: b

def _2 (_; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d

Return Type: c

def _3 (_; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e

Return Type: d

def _4 (_; _; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f

Return Type: e

def _5 (_; _; _; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g

Return Type: f

def _6 (_; _; _; _; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h

Return Type: g

def _7 (_; _; _; _; _; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h ; i

Return Type: h

def _8 (_; _; _; _; _; _; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h ; i ; j

Return Type: i

def _9 (_; _; _; _; _; _; _; _; _; x; _)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h ; i ; j ; k

Return Type: j


def quote (str: String): RegExp

Create RegExp that only matches str, by escaping special characters. quote “a.b” = a.b quote “hello[world]” = hello[world]

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: RegExp

def regExpCat (l: List RegExp): RegExp

Concatenate a list of regular expressions. The resulting regular expression must match the elements sequentially. For simple expressions, use built-in RegExp interpolation ${x}${y}${z}. regExpCast (abc, def, Nil) = abcdef

Parameters: l: List RegExp

Return Type: RegExp

def stringToRegExp (str: String): Result RegExp Error

Convert a String into a Regular expression. If the string is an illegal RegExp, returns Fail. stringToRegExp “abc” = Pass abc stringToRegExp “a(” = Fail (Error “missing ): a(” _)

Parameters: str: String

Return Type: Result RegExp Error

def globToRegExp (glob: String): RegExp

Convert a String glob-style expression into a RegExp. A glob expression has: ? matches any single non-/ character * matches 0 or more non-/ characters /** matches any path after the / **/ matches any path leading up to the / [ab] matches either a or b * matches a *

Parameters: glob: String

Return Type: RegExp

def regExpToString (regExp: RegExp): String

Convert a regular expression into a String. stringToRegExp (regExpToString x) = Pass x regExpToString abc = “abc” regExpToString .* = “.*”

Parameters: regExp: RegExp

Return Type: String

def matches (testRegExp: RegExp) (str: String): Boolean

Test if a regular expression matches an entire String. matches a* “ba” = False matches a* “aa” = True

Parameters: testRegExp: RegExp,  str: String

Return Type: Boolean

def extract (parensRegexp: RegExp) (str: String): List String

Extract fields out of a String using a parenthetical regular expression. extract (.*)-(.*) “hello-world-hello” = (“hello”, “world-hello”, Nil) extract (.*)-(.*) “helloworldhello” = Nil

Parameters: parensRegexp: RegExp,  str: String

Return Type: List String

def replace (locatorRegExp: RegExp) (replacement: String) (str: String): String

Replace all occurances of locatorRegExp in str with replacement. replace : ” ” “a:b:c” = “a b c”

Parameters: locatorRegExp: RegExp,  replacement: String,  str: String

Return Type: String

def tokenize (seperatorRegExp: RegExp) (str: String): List String

Remove all occurances of seperatorRegExp from str, creating a List of String fragments. tokenize : “hello:there:friend” = (“hello”, “there”, “friend”, Nil)

Parameters: seperatorRegExp: RegExp,  str: String

Return Type: List String



def +(x: Integer): Integer

Unary positive sign operator for Integer values. (+5) = 5

Parameters: x: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def -(x: Integer): Integer

Unary negative sign operator for Integer values. (-5) = 0-5

Parameters: x: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def ~(x: Integer): Integer

Unary two’s complement operator for Integer values. ~0 = -1 ~4 = -5

Parameters: x: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) + (y: Integer): Integer

Binary addition operator for Integer values. 1 + 2 = 3 1 + 5 = 6

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) - (y: Integer): Integer

Binary subtraction operator for Integer values. 2 - 1 = 1 3 - 4 = -1

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) * (y: Integer): Integer

Binary multiplication operator for Integer values. 3 * 4 = 12 -3 * (-4) = 12

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) / (y: Integer): Integer

Binary division operator for Integer values. 12 / 3 = 4 13 / 3 = 4 -8 / 4 = -2

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) % (y: Integer): Integer

Binary remainder operator for Integer values. 11 % 5 = 1 4 % 5 = 5 7 % 5 = 2

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) << (y: Integer): Integer

Binary left shift operator for Integer values. 1 << 10 = 1024 3 << 8 = 768

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) >> (y: Integer): Integer

Binary right shift operator for Integer values. 1024 >> 11 = 0 1024 >> 9 = 2 768 >> 8 = 3

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def (x: Integer) ^ (y: Integer): Integer

Binary exponentiation operator for Integer values. 2^8 = 256 3^2 = 9 5^3 = 125

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def root (n: Integer) (x: Integer): Option Integer

Returns the n-th root of x. root 2 9 = Some 3 root 3 27 = Some 3 root 3 28 = Some 3 root 3 (-27) = Some -3 root 2 (-9) = None

Parameters: n: Integer,  x: Integer

Return Type: Option Integer

def sqrt (x: Integer): Option Integer

Unary square root operator. sqrt 9 = Some 3 sqrt (-9) = None

Parameters: x: Integer

Return Type: Option Integer

def abs (x: Integer): Integer

Unary absolute-value operator.

Parameters: x: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def xor (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Binary bitwise XOR operator. xor 4 4 = 0 xor 4 3 = 7 xor (-4) (-3) = 1

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def and (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Binary bitwise AND operator. and 4 4 = 4 and 4 3 = 0 and (-4) (-3) = -4

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def or (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Binary bitwise OR operator. or 4 4 = 4 or 4 3 = 7 or (-4) (-3) = -3

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def gcd (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Greatest Common Divisor. gcd 4 4 = 4 gcd 4 3 = 1 gcd (-4) (-3) = 1

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def lcm (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Least Common Multiple. lcm 4 4 = 4 lcm 4 3 = 12 lcm (-4) (-3) = 12

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def powm (x: Integer) (y: Integer) (m: Integer): Integer

Computes (x^y) % m. powm 2 7 5 = 4 powm 3 2 2 = 1

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer,  m: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def icmp (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Order

Compare two Integers for Order icmp 4 5 = LT icmp 5 5 = EQ icmp 5 4 = GT

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Order

def (x: Integer) <=> (y: Integer): Order

Compare two Integers for Order 4 <=> 5 = LT 5 <=> 5 = EQ 5 <=> 4 = GT

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Order

def (x: Integer) < (y: Integer): Boolean

Binary Less-Than operator for Integers. 4 < 5 = True 4 < 4 = False 5 < 4 = False

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Integer) > (y: Integer): Boolean

Binary Greater-Than operator for Integers. 4 > 5 = False 4 > 4 = False 5 > 4 = True

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Integer) >= (y: Integer): Boolean

Binary Greater-Or-Equal operator for Integers. 4 >= 5 = False 4 >= 4 = True 5 >= 4 = True

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Integer) <= (y: Integer): Boolean

Binary Less-Or-Equal operator for Integers. 4 <= 5 = True 4 <= 4 = True 5 <= 4 = False

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Integer)

Binary Is-Equal operator for Integers. 4 == 5 = False 4 == 4 = True 5 == 4 = False

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Integer) != (y: Integer): Boolean

Binary Not-Equal operator for Integers. 4 == 5 = True 4 == 4 = False 5 == 4 = True

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Boolean

def min (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Calculates the minimum of two Integers. min 4 5 = 4

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def max (x: Integer) (y: Integer): Integer

Calculates the maximum of two Integers. max 4 5 = 5

Parameters: x: Integer,  y: Integer

Return Type: Integer

def ∏(l: List Integer): Integer

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: l: List Integer

Return Type: Integer

def ∑(l: List Integer): Integer

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: l: List Integer

Return Type: Integer


def treeToVector (t: Tree a): Vector a

treeToVector: converts a Tree to a Vector.

Parameters: t: Tree a

Return Type: Vector a

def vempty (v: Vector a): Boolean

vempty: returns True if the Vector has no entries, otherwise False.

vempty (vseq 4) = False vempty (vseq 0) = True

Parameters: v: Vector a

Return Type: Boolean

def vlen (v: Vector a): Integer

vlen: returns the length of the Vector.

vlen (vseq x) = x vlen [] = 0 vlen [0, 5] = 2

Parameters: v: Vector a

Return Type: Integer

def vsplitAt (index: Integer) (Vector v s e: Vector a): Pair (Vector a) (Vector a)

vsplitAt: given an index, cut a Vector into elements before and after the index

vsplitAt 4 (vseq 8) = Pair [0, 1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6, 7] vsplitAt 0 (vseq 8) = Pair [] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] vsplitAt 8 (vseq 8) = Pair [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] []

Parameters: Integer,  Vector a

Return Type: Pair (Vector a) (Vector a)

def vtake (length: Integer) (v: Vector a): Vector a

vtake: keep only the first length elements

vtake 2 (vseq 100) = [0, 1] vtake 0 (vseq 100) = [] vtake 2 (vseq 0) = []

Parameters: length: Integer,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vdrop (index: Integer) (v: Vector a): Vector a

vdrop: remove elements up to index from the Vector

vdrop 4 (vseq 6) = [4, 5] vdrop 6 (vseq 6) = [] vdrop 0 (vseq 3) = [0, 1, 2]

Parameters: index: Integer,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vat (index: Integer) (Vector v s e: Vector a): Option a

vat: Returns an Option, containing either the i``th element of the vector, or ``None if i is out of range.

vat 4 (vseq 8) = Some 4 vat 4 (vseq 4) = None vat (-1) (vseq 4) = None

Parameters: Integer,  Vector a

Return Type: Option a

def vmap (f: a

vmap: create a new Vector by applying a function f to each element of a Vector.

vmap str (vseq 5) = [“0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”] vmap (_+10) (vseq 5) = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

Parameters: f: a,  b,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector b

def vtab (f: Integer

vtab: create a Vector of specified size in parallel by calling f on the index to generate.

vtab (_+100) 5 = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]

Parameters: f: Integer,  a,  length: Integer

Return Type: Vector a

def vfoldl (combiningFn: accum

vfoldl: combine the elements of a Vector front-to-back into a single value. An accumulator is updated from its initial value by combiningFn for each element.

In C++ syntax, vfoldl <combiningFn> <accumulateInitalValue> <Vector> does: auto accumulator = <accumulateInitalValue>; for (element : <Vector>) accumulator = combiningFn(accumulator, element); return accumulator;

Examples: vfoldl f x [a, b, c] = f (f (f x a) b) c vfoldl (_+_) 0 (vseq 6) = 15

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  a,  a,  Vector b

Return Type: a

def vfoldr (combiningFn: element

vfoldr: combine the elements of a Vector back-to-front into a single value. An accumulator is updated from its initial value by combiningFn for each element.

vfoldr f x [a, b, c] = f a (f b (f c x))

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  b,  b,  Vector a

Return Type: b

def vmapReduce (mapFn: element

vmapReduce: combine the elements of a Vector in parallel Unlike vfold[lr], takes a map function, because reduceFn operates on the same type. reduceFn must be an associative operator; ie: f x (f y z) = f (f x y) z Both the mapFn and reduceFn are called exactly once for each element of the input Vector.

vmapReduce str (“{_}{_}”) “>” (vseq 10) = “>0123456789”

Parameters: mapFn: a,  b,  reduceFn: b,  b,  b,  b,  Vector a

Return Type: b

def vfind (acceptFn: a

vfind: find the location of the first element accepted by acceptFn Returns: Pair value index, such that value is at index Once acceptFn returns True, acceptFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that acceptFn is applied to the Vector mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘vmap f | vfind (_)’.

def v = vseq 10 | vmap (_+10) vfind (_%4==0) v = Some (Pair 12 2) vfind (_%4==4) v = None

Parameters: acceptFn: a,  Boolean,  Vector a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def vsplitUntil (stopFn: a

vsplitUntil: cut the Vector at the point stopFn is first True Once stopFn returns True, stopFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that stopFn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘vmap f | vfind (_)’ and vsplitAt.

vsplitUntil (_>=4) (vseq 8) = Pair [0, 1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6, 7] vsplitUntil (_>=0) (vseq 8) = Pair [] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] vsplitUntil (_>=8) (vseq 8) = Pair [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] []

Parameters: stopFn: a,  Boolean,  Vector a

Return Type: Pair (Vector a) (Vector a)

def vtakeUntil (stopFn: a

vtakeUntil: take the longest prefix of a list where stopFn is False Once stopFn returns True, stopFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that stopFn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘vmap f | vfind (_)’ and vtake.

vtakeUntil (_>=4) (vseq 8) = [0, 1, 2, 3] vtakeUntil (_>=0) (vseq 8) = [] vtakeUntil (_>=8) (vseq 8) = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Parameters: stopFn: a,  Boolean,  Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vdropUntil (stopFn: a

dropUntil: discard elements from the list until ‘stopFn’ returns True Once stopFn returns True, stopFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that stopFn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘vmap f | vfind (_)’ and vdrop.

vdropUntil (_>=4) (vseq 8) = [4, 5, 6, 7] vdropUntil (_>=0) (vseq 8) = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] vdropUntil (_>=8) (vseq 8) = []

Parameters: stopFn: a,  Boolean,  Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vexists (acceptFn: a

vexists: does acceptFn return True for any element in the vector? Once acceptFn returns True, acceptFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that acceptFn is applied to the Vector mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘vmap f | vexists (_)’.

Parameters: acceptFn: a,  Boolean,  Vector a

Return Type: Boolean

def vforall (acceptFn: a

vforall: does acceptFn return True for all element in the vector? Once acceptFn returns False, acceptFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that acceptFn is applied to the Vector mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘vmap f | vforall (_)’.

Parameters: acceptFn: a,  Boolean,  Vector a

Return Type: Boolean

def vsplitBy (f: a

vsplitBy: partition a Vector into those elements with f True and False

def isEven x = x%2 == 0 vsplitBy isEven (vseq 6) = Pair [0, 2, 4] [1, 3, 5]

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Pair (Vector a) (Vector a)

def vfilter (f: a

vfilter: keep only those elements in the List where f evaluates to True

def isEven x = x%2 == 0 vfilter isEven (vseq 10) = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vunfoldl (generatingFn: accum

vunfoldl: create a Vector from a generator function. The generatingFn is called repeatedly

vunfoldl (x Pair (x+1) (str x)) 3 5 = [“3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”]

Parameters: generatingFn: a,  Pair a b,  a: a,  n: Integer

Return Type: Vector b

def vscanl (f: a

vscanl: create a new Vector from an accumulator run over the elements front-to-back. The last element of the produced Vector is equivalent to the result of vfoldl.

Examples: vscanl (_+_) 100 (vseq 6) = [100, 100, 101, 103, 106, 110, 115] ^^^- 100+0+1+2+3+4+5 ^^^- 100+0+1+2 ^^^- 100+0 ^^^- 100

Parameters: f: a,  b,  a,  a,  Vector b

Return Type: Vector a

def vscanr (f: b

vscanr: create a new Vector from an accumulator run over the elements back-to-front. The first element of the produced List is equivalent to the result of a foldr.

Examples: vscanr (_+_) 100 (vseq 6) = 115, 115, 114, 112, 109, 105, 100, Nil ^^^- 100 ^^^- 5+100 ^^^- 1+2+3+4+5+100 ^^^- 0+1+2+3+4+5+100

Parameters: f: a,  b,  b,  b,  Vector a

Return Type: Vector b

def vmapScan (mapFn: element

vmapScan: a parallel version of vscanl. Unlike vscanl, takes a map function, because combineFn operates on the same type. combineFn must be an associative operator; ie: f x (f y z) = f (f x y) z. The mapFn is called exactly once for each element of the input Vector. The combineFn may be called up to twice per input.

Parameters: mapFn: a,  b,  combineFn: b,  b,  b,  acc: b,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector b

def vscan (f: a

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: f: a,  a,  a,  acc: a,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vsortBy (cmpFn: a

vsortBy: sort the input vector so that it is ascending wrt. lessThanFn Runtime when almost-sorted is O(n), otherwise O(nlogn) This is a stable sort; two equal values will retain their relative order.

vtab vseq 10 | vflatten | vsortBy (_<_) = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8]

Parameters: cmpFn: a,  a,  Order,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vdistinctBy (cmp: a

vdistinctBy: keep only the first occurrence of a value The order of non-duplicated elements is retained.

vdistinctBy (_<=>_) [1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3] = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vdistinctRunBy (eq: a

vdistinctRunBy: keep only the first occurrence in a run of equal values

vdistinctRunBy (_==_) [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3] = [1, 2, 1, 3]

Parameters: eq: a,  a,  Boolean,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector a

def vcmp (compareFn: a

vcmp: compare two Vectors using an Order comparator

vcmp (_<=>_) (vseq 5) (vseq 5) = EQ vcmp (_<=>_) (vseq 5) (vseq 4) = GT vcmp (_<=>_) [0] [1] = LT

Parameters: compareFn: a,  b,  Order,  Vector a,  Vector b

Return Type: Order

def vmapPartial (f: a

vmapPartial: create a new Vector by applying a partial funciton to each element of a Vector. Partial functions can return None, in which case the result is not included in the output.

vmapPartial int [“3”, “x”, “44”] = [3, 44]

Parameters: f: a,  Option b,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector b

def vmapPartial2 (f: a

vmapPartial2: create a new Vector by applying a partial function up to twice to each element of a Vector. If f is very fast, vmapPartial2 is more efficient as it avoids walking the vector twice.

vmapPartial2 int [“3”, “x”, “44”] = [3, 44]

Parameters: f: a,  Option b,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Vector b


def element,

Create a singleton list from a value. This can be used to slightly increase the niceness of lists by avoid the Nil at the end. This is especially nice for vertical lists.

Examples: ` 10,                      # Create a singleton list containing just 10 1, 2, 3,                 # Create a list of 3 elements without using Nil (1, 2, 3,) ++ (4, 5, 6,) # append two lists `

Parameters: element: a

Return Type: List a

def empty: List a => Boolean

Report if the list contains no elements. If you find yourself using the function, consider using match instead.

Examples: ` empty Nil      = True empty (seq 0)  = True empty (1, Nil) = False empty (seq 9)  = False `

Parameters: List a

Return Type: Boolean

def head: List a => Option a

Retrieve the first element of the list, else None. If you find yourself using the function, consider using match instead.

Examples: ` head Nil = None head ("a", "b", Nil) = Some "a" head (seq 10) = Some 0 `

Parameters: List a

Return Type: Option a

def tail: List a => List a

Remove the first element from the List If you find yourself using the function, consider using match instead.

Examples: ` tail (seq 5) = 1, 2, 3, 4, Nil tail ("a", Nil) = Nil tail Nil = Nil tail (pi, 1.0, Nil) = 1.0, Nil `

Parameters: List a

Return Type: List a

def map (mapFn: a

Create a new List by applying the function mapFn to each element of list. The map function (along with foldl) is generally how one implements loops in wake. This function (like most in wake) runs mapFn in parallel.

Parameters: - mapFn: The function to apply to each element - list: The List of elements to feed to mapFn

Guarantees: - The resultant List has the same length as list

Examples: ` map str     (3, 9, Nil) = "3", "9", Nil map (_+100) (3, 9, Nil) = 103, 109, Nil `

Parameters: mapFn: a,  b,  list: List a

Return Type: List b

def mapFlat (mapFn: a

Create a new List by applying a function f to each element and concatenating the output.

Parameters: - mapFn: The function to apply to each element - list: The list of elements to feed to mapFn

Examples: ` def twice x = x, x, Nil mapFlat twice (seq 3) = 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, Nil mapFlat seq (seq 5) = 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, Nil `

Parameters: mapFn: a,  List b,  list: List a

Return Type: List b

def mapPartial (f: a

Create a new List by applying a partial function to each element of a List. Partial functions can return None, in which case the result is not included in the output.

Parameters: - mapFn: The partial function to apply to each element - list: The list of elements to feed to mapFn

Guarantees: - The resultant List is no longer than list

Examples: ` mapPartial int ("3", "x", "44", Nil) = 3, 44, Nil `

Parameters: f: a,  Option b,  list: List a

Return Type: List b

def foldl (combiningFn: accumulator

Combine the elements of a List front-to-back into a single value. An accumulator is updated from its initial value by combiningFn for each element.

In C++ syntax, foldl <combiningFn> <accumulateInitalValue> <List> does: `c++ auto accumulator = <accumulateInitalValue>; for (element : <List>) accumulator = combiningFn(accumulator, element); return accumulator; ` In python this is similar to functools.reduce

Parameters: - combiningFn: The function to combine elements of the list with the accumulator - initialValue: The initial value of the accumulator - list: The list to combine the elements of

Examples: ` foldl f x Nil = x foldl f x (a, b, c, Nil) = f (f (f x a) b) c foldl (_+_) 0 (seq 6) = 15 foldl (_*_) 0 l = 0 `

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  a,  accumulator: a,  List b

Return Type: a

def scanl (combiningFn: accumulator

Create a new List from an accumulator run over the elements front-to-back. The last element of the produced List is equivalent to the result of foldl.

Parameters: - combiningFn: The function to combine elements of the list with the accumulator - initialValue: The initial value of the accumulator - list: The list to scan over

Guarantees: - The resultant List is exactly one element longer than list - The first element of the resultant List will be initialValue - The last element of the resultant List will be equal to foldl combiningFn initialValue list - If combiningFn is a group operation, the difference between the resultants yields list

Examples: ` scanl f z Nil = z scanl (_+_) 100 (seq 6) = 100, 100, 101, 103, 106, 110, 115, Nil ^^^- 100+0+1+2+3+4+5 ^^^- 100+0+1+2 ^^^- 100+0 ^^^- 100 `

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  a,  accumulator: a,  List b

Return Type: List a

def foldr (combiningFn: element

Combine the elements of a List back-to-front into a single value. An accumulator is updated from its initial value by combiningFn for each element.

Parameters: - combiningFn: The function to combine elements of the list with the accumulator - initialValue: The initial value of the accumulator - list: The list to combine the elements of

Examples: ` foldr f x Nil = x foldr f x (a, b, c, Nil) = f a (f b (f c x)) foldr (_,_) y x = x ++ y `

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  b,  accumulator: b,  List a

Return Type: b

def scanr (combiningFn: element

Create a new List from an accumulator run over the elements back-to-front. The first element of the produced List is equivalent to the result of a foldr.

Parameters: - combiningFn: The function to combine elements of the list with the accumulator - initialValue: The initial value of the accumulator - list: The list to scan over

Guarantees: - The resultant List is exactly one element longer than list - The first element of the resultant List will be foldl combiningFn initialValue list - The last element of the resultant List will be equal to initialValue - If combiningFn is a group operation, the difference between the resultants yields list

Examples: ` scanr scanr (_+_) 100 (seq 6) = 115, 115, 114, 112, 109, 105, 100, Nil ^^^- 100 ^^^- 5+100 ^^^- 1+2+3+4+5+100 ^^^- 0+1+2+3+4+5+100 `

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  b,  accumulator: b,  List a

Return Type: List b

def (l: List a) ++ (r: List a): List a

Concatenate two lists into one List. The ++ operator must be provided by the wake package for publish to work.

Guarantees: - ++ is associtive - Nil is an identity of ++

Examples: ` (1, 2, 3, Nil) ++ (8, 9, Nil) = (1, 2, 3, 8, 9, Nil) (x ++ y) ++ z = x ++ (y ++ z)                        # associtive Nil ++ x = x                                         # left identity x ++ Nil = x                                         # right identity `

Parameters: l: List a,  r: List a

Return Type: List a

def prepend (item: a) (list: List a): List a

Add item to the start of list. This is efficient no matter how large the list. Consider using ‘,’ directly as it is more idiomatic.

Examples: ` prepend 9 (seq 3) = 9, 0, 1, 2, Nil prepend 8 Nil     = 8, Nil `

Parameters: item: a,  list: List a

Return Type: List a

def append (item: a) (list: List a): List a

Add item to the end of list.

NOTE: This function must recreate the entire list to add the item. If you add 1000 items to an empty list, this costs 1000*1000/2 steps. Therefore, if you need to add more than one item to the end of a list, you should consider prepending them to an empty list and then appending that list in reverse to the list you want to enlarge.

Examples: ``` append 9 (seq 3) = 0, 1, 2, 9, Nil append 9 Nil = 9, Nil

append 8 (append 7 (append 6 (seq 6))) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Nil = (seq 6) ++ reverse (8, 7, 6, Nil) # <== potentially much faster ```

Parameters: item: a,  list: List a

Return Type: List a

def splitAt (index: Integer) (listToDivide: List a): Pair (List a) (List a)

Given an index, cut a List into elements before and after the index

Examples: ` splitAt 4 (seq 8) = Pair (0, 1, 2, 3, Nil) (4, 5, 6, 7, Nil) splitAt 0 (seq 8) = Pair Nil (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil) splitAt 8 (seq 8) = Pair (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil) Nil splitAt 1000 (seq 3) = Pair (seq 3) Nil `

Parameters: index: Integer,  listToDivide: List a

Return Type: Pair (List a) (List a)

def take (length: Integer) (l: List a): List a

Keep only the first length elements

Examples: ` take 2 (seq 100) = 0, 1, Nil take 0 (seq 100) = Nil take 2 Nil = Nil take (-2) (seq 100) = Nil `

Parameters: length: Integer,  l: List a

Return Type: List a

def drop (num: Integer) (l: List a): List a

Discard the first num elements

Examples: ` drop 4 (seq 6) = 4, 5, Nil drop 6 (seq 6) = Nil drop 0 (seq 3) = 0, 1, 2, Nil drop (-2) (seq 3) = 0, 1, 2, Nil `

Parameters: num: Integer,  l: List a

Return Type: List a

def at (i: Integer) (l: List a): Option a

Extract the i-th element if it exists or else None

Examples: ` at 4 (seq 8) = Some 4 at 4 (seq 4) = None at (-1) (seq 4) = None `

Parameters: i: Integer,  l: List a

Return Type: Option a

def splitUntil (stopFn: a

Cut the List at the point f is first True Once stopFn returns True, stopFn is not evaulated on further elements. This means that stopFn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map f | find (_)’ and splitAt.

Examples: ` splitUntil (_>=4) (seq 8) = Pair (0, 1, 2, 3, Nil) (4, 5, 6, 7, Nil) splitUntil (_>=0) (seq 8) = Pair Nil (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil) splitUntil (_>=8) (seq 8) = Pair (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil) Nil `

Parameters: stopFn: a,  Boolean,  l: List a

Return Type: Pair (List a) (List a)

def takeUntil (f: a

Take the longest prefix of a list where f is False Once f returns True, f is not evaulated on further elements. This means that f is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map f | find (_)’ and take.

Examples: ` takeUntil (_>=4) (seq 8) = 0, 1, 2, 3, Nil takeUntil (_>=0) (seq 8) = Nil takeUntil (_>=8) (seq 8) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil `

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  List a

Return Type: List a

def dropUntil (f: a

Discard elements from the list until ‘f’ returns True Once f returns True, f is not evaulated on further elements. This means that f is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map f | find (_)’ and drop.

Examples: ` dropUntil (_>=4) (seq 8) = 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil dropUntil (_>=0) (seq 8) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Nil dropUntil (_>=8) (seq 8) = Nil `

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  l: List a

Return Type: List a

def find (f: a

Find the location of the first element accepted by f Returns: Pair value index, such that value is at index Once f returns True, f is not evaulated on further elements. This means that f is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map f | find (_)’.

Examples: ` def l = (85, 4, 10, 3, Nil) find (_==10) l = Some (Pair 10 2) find (_>9) l = Some (Pair 85 0) find (_<3) l = None `

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  List a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def exists (f: a

Does f return True for any element in the list? Once f returns True, f is not evaulated on further elements. This means that f is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map f | exists (_)’.

Examples: ` exists (_==11) (seq 20) = True exists (_>100) (seq 20) = False exists (_<100) (seq 20) = True exists (\_ True) Nil    = False exists (\_ True) (prepend x xs) = True exists p xs = ! (forall (! p _) xs) `

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  List a

Return Type: Boolean

def forall (f: a

Does f return True for all elements in the list? Once f returns False, f is not evaulated on further elements. This means that f is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map f | forall (_)’.

Examples: ` forall (_==11) (seq 20) = False forall (_>100) (seq 20) = False forall (_<100) (seq 20) = True forall (\_ False) Nil   = True forall (\_ False) (prepend x xs) = False forall (\_ True) xs = True forall p xs = ! (exists (! p _) xs) `

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  List a

Return Type: Boolean

def splitBy (acceptFn: a

Partition one list into two Lists based on the output of acceptFn. Every element of list appears in exactly one of the output Lists. Two elements in an output List retain the order they had in list.

Parameters: - acceptFn: The Boolean function which categorizes each element - list: The List of elements to be categorized by True / False

Returns Pair true false, where: - true: List of elements from list for which acceptFn returned True - false: List of elements from list for which acceptFn returned False

Examples: ` def isEven x = x%2 == 0 splitBy isEven (0, 1, 3, 5, 6, Nil) = Pair (0, 6, Nil) (1, 3, 5, Nil) splitBy p xs = Pair (filter p xs) (filter (! p _) xs) `

Parameters: acceptFn: a,  Boolean,  list: List a

Return Type: Pair (true: List a) (false: List a)

def filter (f: a

Keep only those elements in the List where f evaluates to True

Examples: ` def isEven x = x%2 == 0 filter isEven (seq 10) = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, Nil filter p Nil = Nil filter (\x True) xs = xs filter (\x False) xs = Nil filter p xs = getPairFirst (splitBy p xs) `

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  List a

Return Type: List a

def sortBy (cmpFn: a

Given a less-than comparison function, sort the list. Elements which compare as EQ retain their order in the output list.

Parameters: - cmpFn: The comparision function that defines the ordering - list: The list of elements to sort by cmpFn

Guarantees: - The output is a permutation of list - If 0 <= x < y < len list then cmpFn (at list x) (at list y) | isLT (ignoring None)

Example: ` sortBy (_<=>_) (6, 1, 4, 2, Nil) = 1, 2, 4, 6, Nil sortBy (_<=>_) Nil = Nil sortBy (_<=>_) (1, Nil) = (1, Nil) sortBy (\x\y icmp y x) (1, 2, 3, Nil) = reverse (sortBy icmp (1, 2, 3, Nil)) = 3, 2, 1, Nil `

Parameters: cmpFn: a,  a,  Order,  l: List a

Return Type: List a

def distinctBy (cmpFn: a

Keep only the first occurrence of a value The order of non-duplicated elements is retained.

This runs in O(n*lg(n))

Example: ` distinctBy (_<=>_) (1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, Nil) = 1, 2, 3, 4, Nil distinctBy (_<=>_) Nil = Nil `

Parameters: cmpFn: a,  a,  Order,  List a

Return Type: List a

def distinctRunBy (eqFn: a

Keep only the first occurrence in a run of equal values

Example: ` distinctRunBy (_==_) (1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, Nil) = 1, 2, 1, 3, Nil distinctRunBy (_==_) Nil = Nil distinctBy (_<=>_) | sortBy (_<_) = sortBy (_<_) | distinctRunBy (_==_) `

Parameters: eqFn: a,  a,  Boolean,  l: List a

Return Type: List a

def cmp (cmpFn: a

Compare two lists using an Order comparator * EQ is the result if the lists are exactly equal. * LT is the result if the first elements that f does not return EQ for returns LT or if l is a prefix of r. * GT is the result if the first elements that f does not return EQ for returns GT or if r is a prefix of l.

This is also called a lexicographical ordering.

Parameters: - cmpFn: The function by which elements of l and r are compared - l: The left list - r: The right list

Example: ` cmp (_<=>_) (seq 5)  (seq 5)  = EQ cmp (_<=>_) (seq 5)  (seq 4)  = GT cmp (_<=>_) (0, Nil) (1, Nil) = LT `

Parameters: cmpFn: a,  b,  Order,  l: List a,  r: List b

Return Type: Order

def tab (f: Integer

Create a list of specified size by calling f on the index to generate.

Example: ` tab (_+100) 5 = 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, Nil tab f 0 = Nil tab f 3 = f 0, f 1, f 2, Nil `

Parameters: f: Integer,  a,  n: Integer

Return Type: List a

def zip (a: List a) (b: List b): List (Pair a b)

Take two Lists and turn them into a List of Pairs The shortest length of the two input lists sets the output length.

Example: ` zip (4, 7, Nil) ("a", "b", Nil) = (Pair 4 "a", Pair 7 "b", Nil) zip (4, 7, Nil) ("a", "b", "c", Nil) = (Pair 4 "a", Pair 7 "b", Nil) zip Nil x = Nil zip x Nil = Nil `

Parameters: a: List a,  b: List b

Return Type: List (Pair a b)

def unzip (list: List (Pair a b)): Pair (List a) (List b)

Turn a List of Pairs into a Pair of Lists

Guarantees: - Both output lists will be the same length - if (len x) == (len y) then unzip (zip x y) = Pair x y - ((Pair x y) zip x y) (unzip l) = l

Example: ` unzip (Pair 4 "a", Pair 7 "b", Nil) = Pair (4, 7, Nil) ("a", "b", Nil) unzip Nil = Pair Nil Nil `

Parameters: list: List Pair a b

Return Type: Pair (List a) (List b)

def groupBy (cmpFn: a

Group a list by some comparison function. Elements which compare equal are placed into the same bucket. Buckets preserve the order of the original list. The buckets appear in the sort-order specified by cmpFn.

Examples: ``` def cmp a b = a%3 < b%3 def list = seq 10 groupBy cmp list = (0,3,6,9,Nil), (1,4,7,Nil), (2,5,8,Nil), Nil

def cmp a b = a/3 > b/3 def list = seq 10 groupBy cmp list = (9,Nil), (6,7,8,Nil), (3,4,5,Nil), (0,1,2,Nil), Nil ```

Parameters: cmpFn: a,  a,  Order,  list: List a

Return Type: List (List a)


def dabs (x: Double): Double

Unary absolute value operator for a Double. dabs (+. 2.5) = 2.5 dabs (-. 2.5) = 2.5

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def -.(x: Double): Double

Unary negative sign for a Double. -. (-. 2.5) = 2.5 -. (+. 2.5) = -2.5

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def +.(x: Double): Double

Unary positive sign for a Double. +. 2.5 = 2.5

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def (x: Double) +. (y: Double): Double

Binary addition operator for Double values. 1.1 +. 2.0 = 3.1 0.1 +. 0.5 = 0.6

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def (x: Double) -. (y: Double): Double

Binary subtraction operator for Double values. 4.0 -. 2.2 = 1.8 1.1 -. 2.0 = -. 0.9

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def (x: Double) *. (y: Double): Double

Binary multiplication operator for Double values. 2.0 *. 3.3 = 6.6 2.0 *. 4.1 = 8.2

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def (x: Double) /. (y: Double): Double

Binary division operator for Double valuess. 4.0 /. 2.0 = 2.0 5.0 /. 2.0 = 2.5

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def (x: Double) ^. (y: Double): Double

Binary exponentiation operator for Double values. 2.0 ^. 3.0 = 8.0 0.5 ^. 2.0 = 0.25

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def dfma (x: Double) (y: Double) (z: Double): Double

Computes x*y + z with rounding only at the end. The fused-multiply-add operation is useful in numeric algorithms. It is necessary in order compute values with full precision. dfma 2.0 3.0 1.0 = 7.0 dfma 1.0 1.0 1.0 = 3.0

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double,  z: Double

Return Type: Double

def droot (n: Double): Double

Computes the n-th root. droot 2.0 9.0 = 3.0 droot 3.0 27.0 = 3.0 droot 3.0 (-. 27.0) = nan

Parameters: n: Double,  Double

Return Type: Double

def √(x: Double): Double

Unary operator for square root, using the unicode character.

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def ∛(x: Double): Double

Unary operator for cube root.

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def ∜(x: Double): Double

Unary operator for fourth root.

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dcmp (x: Double) (y: Double): Option Order

Compare two Double values. NaN values cannot be compared, so return None nan <=>. 4.5 = None 4.5 <=>. nan = None nan <=>. nan = None 4.5 <=>. 4.5 = Some EQ 4.5 <=>. 5.0 = Some LT 4.0 <=>. 4.5 = Some GT

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Option Order

def (x: Double) <=>. (y: Double): Option Order

Comparison of two Doubles. NaN values cannot be compared, so return None nan <=>. 4.5 = None 4.5 <=>. nan = None nan <=>. nan = None 4.5 <=>. 4.5 = Some EQ 4.5 <=>. 5.0 = Some LT 4.0 <=>. 4.5 = Some GT

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Option Order

def (x: Double) <. (y: Double): Boolean

Binary Less-Than Operator. IEEE 754 requires comparison with NaN to return False nan <. nan = False nan <. 1.0 = False 1.0 <. nan = False 1.0 <. 1.0 = False 1.0 <. 0.0 = False 1.0 <. 2.0 = True

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Double) >. (y: Double): Boolean

Binary Greater-Than Operator. IEEE 754 requires comparison with NaN to return False nan >. nan = False nan >. 1.0 = False 1.0 >. nan = False 1.0 >. 1.0 = False 1.0 >. 0.0 = True 1.0 >. 2.0 = False

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Double) >=. (y: Double): Boolean

Binary Greater-Or-Equal Operator. IEEE 754 requires comparison with NaN to return False nan >=. nan = False nan >=. 1.0 = False 1.0 >=. nan = False 1.0 >=. 1.0 = True 1.0 >=. 0.0 = True 1.0 >=. 2.0 = False

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Double) <=. (y: Double): Boolean

Binary Less-Or-Equal Operator. IEEE 754 requires comparison with NaN to return False nan <=. nan = False nan <=. 1.0 = False 1.0 <=. nan = False 1.0 <=. 1.0 = True 1.0 <=. 0.0 = False 1.0 <=. 2.0 = True

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Double)

Binary Equal-To Operator. IEEE 754 requires comparison with NaN to return False nan ==. nan = False nan ==. 1.0 = False 1.0 ==. nan = False 1.0 ==. 1.0 = True 1.0 ==. 0.0 = False 1.0 ==. 2.0 = False

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Boolean

def (x: Double) !=. (y: Double): Boolean

Binary Not-Equal Operator. IEEE 754 requires comparison with NaN to return True nan !=. nan = True nan !=. 1.0 = True 1.0 !=. nan = True 1.0 !=. 1.0 = False 1.0 !=. 0.0 = True 1.0 !=. 2.0 = True

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Boolean

def dmin (x: Double) (y: Double): Double

Computes the minimum of two Double values. If either is nan, the result is nan. dmin nan nan = nan dmin nan 1.0 = nan dmin 1.0 nan = nan dmin 1.0 3.0 = 1.0 dmin 3.0 1.0 = 1.0

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def dmax (x: Double) (y: Double): Double

Computes the maximum of two Doubles. If either is nan, the result is nan dmax nan nan = nan dmax nan 1.0 = nan dmax 1.0 nan = nan dmax 1.0 3.0 = 3.0 dmax 3.0 1.0 = 3.0

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def ∏.(l: List Double): Double

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: l: List Double

Return Type: Double

def ∑.(l: List Double): Double

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: l: List Double

Return Type: Double

def dformat (format: DoubleFormat): (digits: Integer)

Format a Double as a String; for digits=3: DoubleFixed 1000.000 1.000 # exactly 3 digits after the decimal DoubleScientific 1.000e+03 1.000e+00 # exactly 3 digits after the decimal DoubleHex 0x1.f40p+9 0x1.000p+0 # exactly 3 digits after the decimal DoubleDefault 1e+03 1e0 # at 3 digits of precision

Parameters: format: DoubleFormat,  p: Integer,  x: Double

Return Type: String

def double (doubleInString: String): Option Double

Convert a String into a Double Can parse any Double formatted by dformat. If the value could not be processed; returns None double “1.0” = Some 1e0 double “xyz” = None

Parameters: doubleInString: String

Return Type: Option Double

def dint (x: Integer): Double

Convert an Integer into a Double dint 55 = 55e0 dint (1 << 2000) = inf

Parameters: x: Integer

Return Type: Double

def dclass (x: Double): DoubleClass

Categorize a Double based on the type of number dclass inf = DoubleInfinite dclass nan = DoubleNaN dclass 1.0 = DoubleNormal dclass 1.0e-322 = DoubleSubNormal

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: DoubleClass

def dfrexp (x: Double): Pair Double Integer

Split ‘x’ into (Pair sig exp), such that: x = sig * 2^exp 0.5 <= sig < 1.0

dfrexp 1.0 = Pair 0.5 1 dfrexp 2.0 = Pair 0.5 2 dfrexp 4.0 = Pair 0.5 3 dfrexp 3.0 = Pair 0.75 2

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Pair Double Integer

def dldexp (fraction: Double) (exponent: Integer): Double

Reverse the effects of dfrexp

dldexp 0.5 1 = 1.0 dldexp 0.5 2 = 2.0 dldexp 0.5 3 = 4.0 dldexp 0.75 2 = 3.0

Parameters: fraction: Double,  exponent: Integer

Return Type: Double

def dmodf (x: Double): Pair Integer Double

Split ‘x’ into (Pair int fraction), such that: x = int + fraction -1 < fraction < 1 sign(fraction) = sign(x)

dmodf 5.0 = Pair 5 0.0 dmodf 5.1 = Pair 5 0.1 dmodf (-.5.1) = Pair -5 -0.1

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Pair Integer Double

def dcos (radians: Double): Double

Calculates the cosine of a Double. dcos nan = nan dcos 0.0 = 1.0 dcos (pi/.2.0) = 0.0 dcos pi = -.1.0

Parameters: radians: Double

Return Type: Double

def dsin (radians: Double): Double

Calculates the sine of a Double. dsin nan = nan dsin 0.0 = 0.0 dsin (pi/.2.0) = 1.0 dins pi = 0.0

Parameters: radians: Double

Return Type: Double

def dtan (radians: Double): Double

Calculates the tangent of a Double. dtan (-.pi/.2.0) = -inf dtan 0.0 = 0.0 dtan ( pi/.2.0) = +inf

Parameters: radians: Double

Return Type: Double

def dacos (x: Double): Double

Calculates the inverse cosine of a Double. dacos (-.1.0) = pi dacos 0.0 = pi /. 2.0 dacos 1.0 = 0.0 dacos 2.0 = nan

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dasin (x: Double): Double

Calculates the inverse sine of a Double. dasin (-.1.0) = -.(pi/2.0) dasin 0.0 = 0.0 dasin 1.0 = pi/2.0

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def datan (x: Double) (y: Double): Double

Calculates the inverse tangent of y/x, giving the angle of the point(x, y) in the coordinate plane. The advantage of 2-argument datan over 1-argument datan is it is defined even where x is 0. datan (-. 1.0) (-. 1.0) = pi * -0.75 datan (-. 1.0) 0.0 = pi * -0.50 datan (-. 1.0) 1.0 = pi * -0.25 datan 0.0 1.0 = pi * 0.00 datan 1.0 1.0 = pi * 0.25 datan 1.0 0.0 = pi * 0.50 datan 1.0 (-. 1.0) = pi * 0.75 datan 0.0 (-. 1.0) = pi * 1.00

Parameters: x: Double,  y: Double

Return Type: Double

def dexp (x: Double): Double

Calculates e^x. dexp 0.0 = 1.0 dexp 1.0 = 2.71828 dexp (-.inf) = 0.0

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dlog (x: Double): Double

Calculates the natural logarithm of x. dlog (dexp x) = x dlog (-. 1.0) = nan

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dexpm1 (x: Double): Double

Calculates e^.x -. 1.0 Useful for values of ‘x’ close to 0.0 dexpm1 (-.0.2) = -.0.18 dexpm1 0.0 = 0.0 dexpm1 0.2 = 0.22

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dlog1p (x: Double): Double

Calculates dlog (1.0 +. x) dlog1p (dexpm1 x) = x Useful for values of ‘x’ close to 0.0 dlog1p (-.0.2) = -.0.22 dlog1p 0.0 = 0.0 dlog1p 0.2 = 0.18

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def derf (x: Double): Double

Calculate the ‘error function’. 2/sqrt(pi) Integral_{0..x} e^(-t^2) dt This function is handy for statistics

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def derfc (x: Double): Double

Calculate the complementary ‘error function’ (1-erf). 2/sqrt(pi) Integral_{0..x} e^(-t^2) dt This function is handy for statistics

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dtgamma (x: Double): Double

Compute the gamma function; Integral_{0..inf} t^{x-1} e^t dt This is an everywhere-defined factorial method; dtgamma (x+1) = x!

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double

def dlgamma (x: Double): Double

Compute the logarithm of the gamma function This is useful to approximate statistics like (n choose m)

Parameters: x: Double

Return Type: Double


def tnew cmp

Create a new Tree, sorted by cmp.

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order

Return Type: Tree a

def listToTree cmp list

Convert a List to a Tree.

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order,  list: List a

Return Type: Tree a

def listToTreeMulti cmp list

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order,  list: List a

Return Type: Tree a

def vectorToTreeMulti cmp v

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Tree a

def vectorToTree cmp v

Convert a Vector to a Tree.

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order,  v: Vector a

Return Type: Tree a

def tlen (Tree _ root: Tree a): Integer

Returns the total length of the Tree.

Parameters: Tree a

Return Type: Integer

def tempty (Tree _ root: Tree a): Boolean

Returns True if the Tree is empty, False otherwise.

Parameters: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def tinsert (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Tree a

Insert y into the tree only if no other keys == y

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tinsertReplace (y: a) (tree: Tree a): Tree a

Insert y into the tree, removing any existing keys == y

Parameters: y: a,  tree: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tinsertMulti (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Tree a

Insert y into the tree at the lowest rank of keys = y

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tinsertWith (fn: (incoming: a)

Insert y into the tree, or the value resulting from fn on a collision y is passed as the left-hand value of fn.

Parameters: fn: incoming: a,  existing: a,  a,  y: a,  tree: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is a subset of b (every element of a is also in b). Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ. See tsubset for a prefix form of the function.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is a superset of b (a contains every element of b). Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is not a superset of b (a is missing some element of b). Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is not a subset of b (some element of a does not exist in b). Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is a proper subset of b. (Not only is every element of a is also in b, but the two sets aren’t equal.) Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is a proper superset of b. (Not only does a contain every element b, but the two sets aren’t equal.) Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def tsubset (a: Tree x) (b: Tree x): Boolean

Test if a is a subset of b (every element of a is also in b). Note that the comparison function of b is used to determine element equality, if the two differ.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def tdelete (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Tree a

Deletes all keys that are equal to y.

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tfoldl f a (Tree _ root)

Folds from left to right.

Parameters: a,  b,  a,  a,  Tree b

Return Type: a

def tfoldr f a (Tree _ root)

Folds from right to left.

Parameters: a,  b,  b,  b,  Tree a

Return Type: b

def tfoldmap (combineFn: b

Transform and collapse all values in a Tree in parallel.

Parameters: * combineFn: A function which can combine multiple output values into one. This function should be parallel. * base: A “seed” value with which to start the fold. This will be applied as the farthest-left value, before any values derived from tree itself. * transformFn: A function performing some work to be applied to every element in tree in parallel. * tree: The values from which the result should be derived.

Parameters: combineFn: a,  a,  a,  base: a,  transformFn: b,  a,  tree: Tree b

Return Type: a

def tfold f a t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: f: a,  a,  a,  a: a,  t: Tree a

Return Type: a

def tappi f (Tree _ root)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: Integer,  a,  b,  Tree a

Return Type: Unit

def tat (i: Integer) (Tree _ root: Tree a): Option a

Extract the i-th ranked element

Parameters: Integer,  Tree a

Return Type: Option a

def tsplitAt (i: Integer) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Pair (Tree a) (Tree a)

Split elements ranked [0,i) and [i,inf) into two trees

Parameters: Integer,  Tree a

Return Type: Pair (Tree a) (Tree a)

def ttake i t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: i: Integer,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tdrop i t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: i: Integer,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tfind f (Tree _ root)

Lowest rank element where f x = True => Option (Pair x rank)

Parameters: a,  Boolean,  Tree a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def tsplitUntil f t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Pair (Tree a) (Tree a)

def ttakeUntil f t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tdropUntil f t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def texists f t

Returns True if there exists an x in t where f x = True

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def tforall f t

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: f: a,  Boolean,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def tsplit y (Tree cmp root)

Split tree into those elements <, =, and > y

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Triple (Tree a) (Tree a) (Tree a)

def tsplitBy (f: a

Split tree into those elements where f x = True and those where f x = False

Parameters: a,  Boolean,  Tree a

Return Type: Pair (Tree a) (Tree a)

def tfilter (f: a

Remove all elements x such that f x = False.

Parameters: a,  Boolean,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tmin (Tree _ root: Tree a): Option a

Return the smallest element in the tree.

Parameters: Tree a

Return Type: Option a

def tmax (Tree _ root: Tree a): Option a

Return the largest element in the tree.

Parameters: Tree a

Return Type: Option a

def tlowerGE (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Option (Pair a Integer)

Lowest rank element with x >= y, along with that rank.

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def tlowerGT (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Option (Pair a Integer)

Lowest rank element with x > y, along with that rank.

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def tupperLT (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Option (Pair a Integer)

Highest rank element with x < y, along with that rank.

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def tupperLE (y: a) (Tree cmp root: Tree a): Option (Pair a Integer)

Highest rank element with x <= y, along with that rank.

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Option (Pair a Integer)

def tequal y (Tree cmp root)

Extract all elements from the tree which are equal to y => Pair (matches: List x) (rank: Integer)

Parameters: a,  Tree a

Return Type: Pair (List a) Integer

def x y

Returns True if x is an element of y, False otherwise.

Parameters: x: a,  y: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def x y

Returns True if x is NOT an element of y, False otherwise.

Parameters: x: a,  y: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def x y

Returns True if x contains y, False otherwise.

Parameters: x: Tree a,  y: a

Return Type: Boolean

def x y

Returns True if x does NOT contain y, False otherwise.

Parameters: x: Tree a,  y: a

Return Type: Boolean

def tcontains (y: a) (t: Tree a): Boolean

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: y: a,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Boolean

def tdistinctBy (cmp: a => a => Order) (t: Tree a): Tree a

Eliminate duplicates, as identified by cmp

Parameters: cmp: a,  a,  Order,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tdistinctRunBy (f: a => a => Boolean) (t: Tree a): Tree a

Eliminate duplicates, as identified by f

Parameters: f: a,  a,  Boolean,  t: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def a b

Returns the union of trees a and b, keeps only values from a if they are equal to values in b.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tunion (Tree _ aroot: Tree a) (Tree cmp broot: Tree a): Tree a

Returns the union of two trees, given their roots.

Parameters: Tree a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tunionWith (fn: a

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: fn: a,  a,  a,  left: Tree a,  right: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def a b

Union of two trees, keeping equal values of a before equal values of b

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tunionMulti (Tree _ aroot) (Tree cmp broot)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: Tree a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tsubtract (Tree _ aroot: Tree a) (Tree cmp broot: Tree a): Tree a

Returns the set difference of A and B, that is, a tree containing all elements of A which are not in B.

Parameters: Tree a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def a b

Returns a tree containing all elements of A which are also in B.

Parameters: a: Tree a,  b: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tintersect (Tree _ aroot) (Tree cmp broot)

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: Tree a,  Tree a

Return Type: Tree a

def tintersectWith (fn: a

No description for this feature yet.

Parameters: fn: a,  a,  a,  left: Tree a,  right: Tree a

Return Type: Tree a


def isPass: Result a b => Boolean

isPass: report if the Result was a Pass

isPass (Pass 123) = True isPass (Fail 123) = False

Parameters: Result a b

Return Type: Boolean

def isFail: Result a b => Boolean

isFail: report if the Result was a Fail

isFail (Pass 123) = False isFail (Fail 123) = True

Parameters: Result a b

Return Type: Boolean

def getPass: Result a b => Option a

getPass: retrieve the Pass value else None

getPass (Pass 123) = Some 123 getPass (Fail 123) = None

Parameters: Result a b

Return Type: Option a

def getFail: Result a b => Option b

getFail: retrieve the Fail value else None

getFail (Pass 123) = None getFail (Fail 123) = Some 123

Parameters: Result a b

Return Type: Option b

def getWhenFail (default: pass): Result pass fail => pass

getWhenFail: retrieve the Pass value, using a default value for Fail

getWhenFail 42 (Pass 123) = 123 getWhenFail 42 (Pass 123) = 42

Parameters: default: a,  Result a b

Return Type: a

def getWhenPass (default: fail): Result pass fail => fail

getWhenPass: retrieve the Fail value, using a default value for Pass

getWhenPass 42 (Pass 123) = 42 getWhenPass 42 (Pass 123) = 123

Parameters: default: a,  Result b a

Return Type: a

def rmap (fn: a => b): Result a fail => Result b fail

rmap: apply a function to a Pass-ing result If you find yourself using the function, consider using require instead.

rmap (_+1) (Pass 123) = Pass 124 rmap (_+1) (Fail 123) = Fail 123

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  Result a c

Return Type: Result b c

def rmapError (fn: a

rmapError: apply a function to a Fail-ing result

rmapError (_+1) (Pass 123) = Pass 123 rmapError (_+1) (Fail 123) = Fail 124

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  Result c a

Return Type: Result c b

def rmapPass (fn: a => Result b fail): Result a fail => Result b fail

rmapPass: apply a Fail-able function to a Pass-ing result If you find yourself using the function, consider using require instead.

Parameters: fn: a,  Result b c,  Result a c

Return Type: Result b c

def rmapFail (fn: a => Result pass b): Result pass a => Result pass b

Applies a Fail-able function to Fail value or propogates Pass If you find yourself using the function, consider using require instead.

Parameters: fn: a,  Result b c,  Result b a

Return Type: Result b c

def rfoldl (combiningFn: accumulator

Try to combine the elements of a List front-to-back, where each step might fail. If any update step fails, the error value of the first such failure is returned and no further values are processed.

Parameters: - combiningFn: How to attempt to meld each element into the accumulator. - acc: The initial value of the accumulator; if list is empty, this is returned unchanged as the Pass value. - list: The elements which should be combined.

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  Result a c,  acc: a,  list: List b

Return Type: Result a c

def rfoldr (combiningFn: element

Try to combine the elements of a List front-to-back, where each step might fail. If any update step fails, the error value of the first such failure is returned and no further values are processed.

Parameters: - combiningFn: How to attempt to meld each element into the accumulator. - acc: The initial value of the accumulator; if list is empty, this is returned unchanged as the Pass value. - list: The elements which should be combined.

Parameters: combiningFn: a,  b,  Result b c,  acc: b,  list: List a

Return Type: Result b c

def findFailFn (fn: a

findFailFn: if fn returns Pass for all List elements, return the outputs else Fail Once a Fail is found, fn is not evaluated on further elements. This means that fn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map fn | findFail’ instead.

def toInt x = int x | getOrFail “not an Integer ({x})” findFailFn toInt (“456”, “123”, Nil) = Pass (456, 123, Nil) findFailFn toInt (“_56”, “123”, Nil) = Fail “not an Integer (_56)”

Parameters: fn: a,  Result b c,  List a

Return Type: Result (List b) c

def findPassFn (fn: a

findPassFn: if fn returns Fail for all List elements, return the outputs else Pass Once a Pass is found, fn is not evaluated on further elements. This means that fn is applied to the List mostly sequentially. If more parallelism is desired, use ‘map fn | findPass’ instead.

def toInt x = int x | getOrFail “bad: {x}” findPassFn toInt (“_56”, “123”, “777”, Nil) = Pass 123 findPassFn toInt (“_56”, “_23”, “_77”, Nil) = Fail (“bad: _56”, “bad: _23”, “bad: _77”, Nil)

Parameters: fn: a,  Result b c,  List a

Return Type: Result b (List c)

def stack Unit: List String

stack: dump a stack trace from the call site This function currently only works with debug mode enabled.

Parameters: Unit

Return Type: List String

tuple Error

An Error has a cause and a stack trace Result types should generally use an Error for their Fail case.

Parameters: Cause: String,  Stack: List String

Return Type: Error

def makeError (cause: String): Error

makeError: create an Error with the specified cause This captures the stack at the point of the makeError call.

Parameters: cause: String

Return Type: Error

def addErrorContext (prefix: String): Result a Error => Result a Error

addErrorContext: add a prefix to the cause string of a Fail-ure This method can be useful to preserve an existing failure cause, where using a require-else must supply a totally new cause.

require Pass contents = read file | addErrorContext “opening {file.getPathName}”

Parameters: prefix: String,  Result a Error

Return Type: Result a Error

def failWithError (cause: String): Result a Error

failWithError: produce a Fail for us in error conditions

require Some = int str else failWithError “Could not parse {str} as an Integer”

Parameters: cause: String

Return Type: Result a Error

def (argument: Result a b) |> (pipeFn: a

|>: Result compatible pipeline function. Used in the same way as '|’ when both the input and the following function return a Result.

Example: ` Pass "foo.json" |> source |> parseJSONFile `

Parameters: argument: Result a b,  pipeFn: a,  Result c b

Return Type: Result c b

def (argument: Result a b) |< (pipeFn: a

|<: Dual to |>. Used to inject a function that doesn’t return a result into the result pipeline. Example: ` Pass 1 |< str |> source |> parseJSONFile `

Parameters: argument: Result a b,  pipeFn: a,  c

Return Type: Result c b


def (argument: a).(memberFn: a

Flip function and argument order. fn obj.getXYZ = fn (getXYZ obj)

Parameters: argument: a,  memberFn: a,  b

Return Type: b

def (argument: a) | (pipeFn: a

Flip function and argument order. seq 10 | map str | catWith ” ” = catWith ” ” (map str (seq 10))

Parameters: argument: a,  pipeFn: a,  b

Return Type: b

def (dollarFn: a

Avoid ()s without changing order. catWith ” ” $ map str $ seq 10 = catWith ” ” (map str (seq 10))

Parameters: dollarFn: a,  b,  argument: a

Return Type: b

def (f: b

The ring operator is used to denote the composition of functions. (f ∘ g) x = f (g x)

Parameters: f: a,  b,  g: c,  a,  x: c

Return Type: b

def flip (f: a

Allows flipping the parameters of a function. icmp.flip 4 5 = GT icmp.flip 5 4 = LT

Parameters: f: a,  b,  c,  x: b,  y: a

Return Type: c

def wait (f: a

Wait for ‘x’ to be computed before invoking (f x). If ‘x’ is a list, f will run once ‘x’ can be distinguished between Nil and (_, _). Normally, ‘f x’ may invoke ‘f’ before even this basic fact is known. You generally only need ‘wait’ when interfacing with other wake primitives. Therefore, ask a wake expert before you resort to using this function. The correct way to sequence events is by consuming the results of prior events in later events. A ‘match x’ expression on list ‘x’ with different case results also acts like ‘wait’.

Parameters: f: a,  b,  x: a

Return Type: b

def unreachable (reason: String): a

Tell the wake interpreter that it is impossible to reach this expression. The behaviour of an execution which DOES reach unreachable is undefined.

### FUNCTION IS NOT INTENDED TO STOP A BUILD! ### ### To report Errors use a Result ###

Parameters: - reason: A String describing why this code is impossible to reach

An example of a legitimate use of unreachable: ` def hasUniqueMinimum list = match (sortBy (_<_) list) Nil     = False x, Nil  = True x, y, _ = match (x <=> y) LT = True EQ = False GT = unreachable "Sorted list {format list} is not sorted" `

The optimizer can legally remove unreachables (they are by definition unreachable). Furthermore, the optimizer can even eliminate code that coexists with a unreachable. Thus, here is an example of why you should never use unreachable for error reporting: ` def myFun x = def _ = unreachable "stop the program" 42 + x `

When this funciton is called from the command-line, the behaviour is undefined: ` $ wake --no-optimize -x 'myFun 33' PANIC: stop the program $ wake -x 'myFun 33' 75 $ future-version-of-wake -x 'myFun 33' 200 `

Parameters: reason: String

Return Type: a

def panic (reason: String): a

Like unreachable but with a different error message May not be optimized away

Parameters: reason: String

Return Type: a

def identity (x: a): a

identity: Returns the input unmodified

This function is useful when a adpater function is require but no adpation is needed.

Parameters: x: a

Return Type: a


def unsafe_avoid_using_run (x: Unsafe a): a

Unwraps an unsafe value into a safe value. This should only be used if there is good reason to escape the unsafe monad and a comment should be given explaining why this should be considered safe.

Parameters: x: Unsafe a

Return Type: a

def makeUnsafe (v: a): Unsafe a

Turns an safe value into an unsafe value

Parameters: v: a

Return Type: Unsafe a

def unsafeMap (f: a

maps a safe function over an unsafe value.

Examples: ` unsafeMap (_ + 10) (makeUnsafe 10) = makeUnsafe 20 `

Parameters: f: a,  b,  x: Unsafe a

Return Type: Unsafe b

def unsafeApp (f: Unsafe (a

Implements application of an unsafe function to an unsafe value. This allows functions that do not take unsafe values to be applied to unsafe values. The effect works well with currying so it allows one to chain the applications. This especially useful for constructing tuples from unsafe values

Example: ``` tuple MyTuple = MyString: String MyInteger: Integer MyOtherString: String

makeUnsafe MyTuple | unsafeApp (makeUnsafe “foo”) | unsafeApp (makeUnsafe 10) | unsafeApp (makeUnsafe “bar”) ```

Parameters: f: Unsafe a,  b,  x: Unsafe a

Return Type: Unsafe b

def unsafeSubsume (f: a

Lets you turn an function returning an unsafe value into a unsafe function that returns a safe value. This let’s you use these functions more naturally in tricky locations like inside of higher order functions with the wrong type.

Example: ` def unsafeFiles = ... def unsafeRunner = ... (unsafeSubsume unsafeFiles) | unsafeFlatMap (\files unsafeRunner | unsafeFlatMap (\runner makePlan ... | setPlanFnOutputs (\_ files outputDir) | runJobWith runner )) `

Parameters: f: a,  Unsafe b,  Unsafe x: a

Return Type: b)

def unsafeFlatMap (f: a

Takes a function returning an unsafe value, and maps it over an unsafe value, flattening out the double unsafe before returning. This is equivalent to first using unsafeMap and then calling unsafeFlatten. This might not sound that useful but it winds up being the primary way that unsafe code is composed. It lets you chain multiple unsafe operations togethor in such a way that you can access their pure values inside the mapping function. unsafeFlatMap is unseful in a pipe sequence of unsafe operations.

` def myUnsafeRunner = ... unsafeFlatMap (\runner makePlan "unsafe" Nil "echo foo > foo.txt; echo bar > bar.txt" | setPlanFnOutputs runner ) unsafeRunner `

Parameters: f: a,  Unsafe b,  x: Unsafe a

Return Type: Unsafe b

def unsafeFlatten (x: Unsafe (Unsafe a)): Unsafe a

This unwraps a double unsafe into a single unsafe. This sort of type will sometimes appear when mapping a function returning an unsafe value over a safe value. Consider using unsafeFlatMap in that case instead.

Parameters: x: Unsafe Unsafe a

Return Type: Unsafe a

def unsafeRMap (f: a

unsafeRMap functions just like rmap but its use is more often required than rmap. This is because while rmap’s can often be replaced with a require in Wake, unsafe results cannot be used with require. In order to cope with this however we can use unsafeRMap. You could use unsafeFlatMap with a pattern match but this can lead to branch expolsion if you have too many cases to deal with.

Parameters: f: a,  Unsafe Result b c,  x: Unsafe Result a c

Return Type: Unsafe (Result b c)

def unsafeOMap (f: a

unsafeOMap functions like omap but for unsafe values. Since using require is not possible unsafe values you may sometimes find it useful to turn to this function instead.

Parameters: f: a,  Unsafe Option b,  x: Unsafe Option a

Return Type: Unsafe (Option b)


def mnew (cmpKey: k

Initialize an empty Map which will use the given total order function.

Parameters: * cmpKey: A function providing a total ordering over values of the key type.

Example: ` mnew scmp | msize = 0 `

Parameters: cmpKey: a,  a,  Order

Return Type: Map a b

def listToMap (cmpKey: k

Construct a Map from the pre-associated key-value pairs in the List. If multiple Pair`s have the same left value (key), then the resulting `Map will contain the right value of only the first occurrence.

Parameters: * cmpKey: A function providing a total ordering over values of the key type. * pairs: The keys and values which the Map should contain. This does not have to be sorted, but each left-hand value should be unique.

Examples: ` listToMap scmp ("a" True, "b" False, "c" False, Nil) | msize = 3 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "a" 2, Nil) | mlookup "a" = Some 1 `

Parameters: cmpKey: a,  a,  Order,  pairs: List Pair a b

Return Type: Map a b

def vectorToMap (cmpKey: k

Construct a Map from the pre-associated key-value pairs in the Vector. If multiple Pair`s have the same left value (key), then the resulting `Map will contain the right value of only the first occurrence.

Parameters: * cmpKey: A function providing a total ordering over values of the key type. * pairs: The keys and values which the Map should contain. This does not have to be sorted, but each left-hand value should be unique.

Parameters: cmpKey: a,  a,  Order,  pairs: Vector Pair a b

Return Type: Map a b

def msize (map: Map k v): Integer

Count how many key-value associations are contained in the Map.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | msize = 0 listToMap scmp ("a" True, "b" False, "c" False, Nil) | msize = 3 `

Parameters: map: Map a b

Return Type: Integer

def mempty (map: Map k v): Boolean

Test if the Map does not contain any elements.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mempty = True listToMap scmp ("a" True, "b" False, "c" False, Nil) | mempty = False `

Parameters: map: Map a b

Return Type: Boolean

def minsert (key: k) (value: v) (map: Map k v): Map k v

Add a given value into the map under the key, if that key does not already exist. Any pair with the same key which already exists in the map remains unchanged.

For a similar function which uses the new value provided, see minsertReplace or minsertWith.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | minsert "a" 2 | mlookup "a" = Some 2 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, Nil) | minsert "a" 2 | mlookup "a" = Some 1 `

Parameters: key: a,  value: b,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def minsertReplace (key: k) (value: v) (map: Map k v): Map k v

Add a given value into the map under the key, whether or not it already exists.

For a similar function which preserves the original value contained in the map, see minsert or minsertWith.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | minsertReplace "a" 2 | mlookup "a" = Some 2 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, Nil) | minsertReplace "a" 2 | mlookup "a" = Some 2 `

Parameters: key: a,  value: b,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def minsertWith (fn: k

Add a given value into the map under the key, resolving conflicts as specified.

If just replacing or keeping the original, consider using minsert or minsertReplace instead. Prefer minsertWith when accumulating values over multiple inserts.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | minsertWith (\_k (_+_)) "a" 2 | mlookup "a" = Some 2 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, Nil) | minsertWith (\_k (_+_)) "a" 2 | mlookup "a" = Some 3 `

Parameters: fn: a,  incoming: b,  existing: b,  b,  key: a,  value: b,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def mdelete (key: k) (map: Map k v): Map k v

Remove any value contained in the map under the given key.

Examples: ` listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mdelete "b" | mlookup "b" = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mdelete "x" | msize = 2 `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def mfoldl (fn: k

Accumulate and combine every value in the map, starting from the “smallest” key.

Parameters: * fn: The manner in which each value should be added to the accumulator. * base: The value used to initialize the accumulator. If map is empty, this value is returned unchanged. * map: The key-value pairs which will be combined.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mfoldl (\_\a\v a + v) 0 = 0 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfoldl (\_\a\v a + v) 0 = 3 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfoldl (\k\a\v "{a} {k}={str v}") "k=v:" = "k=v: a=1 b=2" `

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  c,  b,  base: b,  map: Map a c

Return Type: b

def mfoldr (fn: k

Accumulate and combine every value in the map, starting from the “largest” key.

Parameters: * fn: The manner in which each value should be added to the accumulator. * base: The value used to initialize the accumulator. If map is empty, this value is returned unchanged. * map: The key-value pairs which will be combined.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mfoldr (\_\v\a v + a) 0 = 0 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfoldr (\_\v\a v + a) 0 = 3 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfoldr (\k\v\a "{a} {k}={str v}") "k=v:" = "k=v: b=2 a=1" `

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  c,  c,  base: c,  map: Map a b

Return Type: c

def mfoldmap (combineFn: a

Transform and combine every value in the map in parallel.

Parameters: * combineFn: The manner in which two values of the target type should be joined. * base: The value used to initialize the accumulator. If map is empty, this value is returned unchanged. * transformFn: The function which should be applied to every key-value pair in the map. This might just be to prepare them to be combined, or it might be some more complex function which happens to have a more-easily-joined output. * map: The key-value pairs which will be processed.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mfoldmap (_+_) 0 (\_\v v) = 0 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfoldmap (_+_) 0 (\_\v v) = 3 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfoldmap ("{_} {_}") "k=v:" ("{_}={str _}") = "k=v: a=1 b=2" `

Parameters: combineFn: a,  a,  a,  base: a,  transformFn: b,  c,  a,  map: Map b c

Return Type: a

def mapToList (map: Map k v): List (Pair k v)

Flatten every key-value pair in the map into a simple list.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mapToList = Nil listToMap scmp ("a" 1, Nil) | minsert "b" 2 | mapToList = Pair "a" 1, Pair "b" 2, Nil `

Parameters: map: Map a b

Return Type: List (Pair a b)

def mmap (fn: k

Apply some function to every value contained in the map.

Examples: ` listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mmap (\_\v v + 1) | mlookup "b" = 3 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mmap (\k\v "{k}={str v}") | mlookup "b" = "b=2" `

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  c,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Map a c

def mmapPass (fn: k

Apply some failable function to every value, passing only if every computation does.

Example: ` listToMap scmp ("a" "1", "b" "2", Nil) | mmapPass (int _ | getOrFail "") = Pass ... `

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  Result c d,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Result (Map a c) d

def mmin (map: Map k v): Option (Pair k v)

Retrieve the “smallest” key from the map and its associated value. This is determined according to the comparison function specified when the map was originally created.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mmin = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mmin = Some (Pair "a" 1) `

Parameters: map: Map a b

Return Type: Option (Pair a b)

def mmax (map: Map k v): Option (Pair k v)

Retrieve the “largest” key from the map and its associated value. This is determined according to the comparison function specified when the map was originally created.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mmax = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mmax = Some (Pair "b" 2) `

Parameters: map: Map a b

Return Type: Option (Pair a b)

def mlowerGE (key: k) (map: Map k v): Option (Pair k v)

Retrieve the “smallest” key from the map that is equal to or “larger than” a known point. This is determined according to the comparison function specified when the map was originally created.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mmax = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mlowerGE "a" = Some (Pair "a" 1) listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mlowerGE "aaa" = Some (Pair "b" 2) `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Option (Pair a b)

def mlowerGT (key: k) (map: Map k v): Option (Pair k v)

Retrieve the “smallest” key from the map that is strictly “larger than” a known point. This is determined according to the comparison function specified when the map was originally created.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mmax = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mlowerGT "a" = Some (Pair "b" 2) listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mlowerGT "aaa" = Some (Pair "b" 2) `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Option (Pair a b)

def mupperLT (key: k) (map: Map k v): Option (Pair k v)

Retrieve the “largest” key from the map that is strictly “smaller than” a known point. This is determined according to the comparison function specified when the map was originally created.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mmax = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mupperLT "b" = Some (Pair "a" 1) listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mupperLT "aaa" = Some (Pair "a" 1) `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Option (Pair a b)

def mupperLE (key: k) (map: Map k v): Option (Pair k v)

Retrieve the “largest” key from the map that is equal to or “smaller than” a known point. This is determined according to the comparison function specified when the map was originally created.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mmax = None listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mupperLE "b" = Some (Pair "b" 2) listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mupperLE "aaa" = Some (Pair "a" 1) `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Option (Pair a b)

def mlookup (key: k) (map: Map k v): Option v

Retrieve the value associated with a particular key in the map, if one exists.

If only the presence of the value matters, see mexists.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mlookup "a" = None mnew scmp | minsert "a" 1 | mlookup "a" = Some 1 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mdelete "b" | mlookup "b" = None `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Option b

def mcontains (key: k) (map: Map k v): Boolean

Check whether some key is associated with any value in the map.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mcontains "a" = False mnew scmp | minsert "a" 1 | mcontains "a" = True listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mdelete "b" | mcontains "b" = False `

Parameters: key: a,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Boolean

def mexists (fn: k

Check whether the predicate succeeds for any key-value pair in the map.

Examples: ` mnew scmp | mcexists "a" = False mnew scmp | minsert "a" 1 | mexists "a" = True listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mdelete "b" | mexists "b" = False `

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  Boolean,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Boolean

def msplitBy (fn: k

Divide the key-value pairs comprising one map into two according to some predicate.

Returns: Pair trues falses where trues contains all the values for which fn returned True and falses where it returned False. Both resulting maps use the same key-comparison function as the original map.

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  Boolean,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Pair (Map a b) (Map a b)

def mfilter (fn: k

Discard any key-value pairs in the map for which the predicate fails.

Examples: ` listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfilter (\k\_ isVowel k) | mlookup "a" = Some 1 listToMap scmp ("a" 1, "b" 2, Nil) | mfilter (\k\_ isVowel k) | mlookup "b" = None `

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  Boolean,  map: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def munion (left: Map k v) (right: Map k v): Map k v

Collect all key-value associations in either of two maps into a single one. If the same key occurs in both, the value from left is kept and the one from right is discarded. However, if the key comparison function differs between the two inputs, then the one from the right is used.

For a similar function which provides control over how to join values of keys occurring in both maps, see munionWith.

Examples: ``` def left = listToMap scmp (“a” → 1, “b” → 2, Nil) def right = listToMap scmp (“b” → 11, “f” → 15, Nil)

munion left right | mlookup “a” = Some 1 munion left right | mlookup “b” = Some 2 munion left right | mlookup “f” = Some 15 ```

Parameters: left: Map a b,  right: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def munionWith (fn: k

Collect all key-value associations in maps, with the given conflict resolultion. If the key comparison function differs between the two inputs, then the one from the right is used.

If simply keeping the original in any conflicts, consider using munion instead.

Examples: ``` def left = listToMap scmp (“a” → 1, “b” → 2, Nil) def right = listToMap scmp (“b” → 11, “f” → 15, Nil)

munionWith (_lvrv lv + rv) left right | mlookup “a” = Some 1 munionWith (_lvrv lv + rv) left right | mlookup “b” = Some 13 munionWith (_lvrv lv + rv) left right | mlookup “f” = Some 15 ```

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  b,  b,  left: Map a b,  right: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def msubtract (left: Map k v) (right: Map k v): Map k v

Remove all keys from the left map which occur (regardless of value) in the right. If the key comparison function differs between the two inputs, then the one from the right is used.

Examples: ``` def left = listToMap scmp (“a” → 1, “b” → 2, Nil) def right = listToMap scmp (“b” → 11, “f” → 15, Nil)

msubtract left right | mlookup “a” = Some 1 msubtract left right | mlookup “b” = None msubtract left right | mlookup “f” = None ```

Parameters: left: Map a b,  right: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def mintersect (left: Map k v) (right: Map k v): Map k v

Remove all keys from the left map which do not occur in the right. For all keys, the value from left is kept and the one from right is discarded. However, if the key comparison function differs between the two inputs, then the one from the right is used.

For a similar function which provides control over how to join the values contained in the map, see mintersectWith.

Examples: ``` def left = listToMap scmp (“a” → 1, “b” → 2, Nil) def right = listToMap scmp (“b” → 11, “f” → 15, Nil)

mintersect left right | mlookup “a” = None mintersect left right | mlookup “b” = Some 2 mintersect left right | mlookup “f” = None ```

Parameters: left: Map a b,  right: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b

def mintersectWith (fn: k

Remove all keys which do not occur in both maps, joining values accordingly. If the key comparison function differs between the two inputs, then the one from the right is used.

If simply keeping the original, consider using mintersect instead.

Examples: ``` def left = listToMap scmp (“a” → 1, “b” → 2, Nil) def right = listToMap scmp (“b” → 11, “f” → 15, Nil)

mintersectWith (_lvrv lv + rv) left right | mlookup “a” = None mintersectWith (_lvrv lv + rv) left right | mlookup “b” = Some 13 mintersectWith (_lvrv lv + rv) left right | mlookup “f” = None ```

Parameters: fn: a,  b,  b,  b,  left: Map a b,  right: Map a b

Return Type: Map a b